Calculating your return on investment
Farmers need to make informed decisions. While the outputs from data entered into calculators is only as good as the inputs (and estimating can be very challenging) going in, the calculators can help you assess your risks and potential benefits by using them to input data for the best case, median case and worst case scenarios.

Hay Waste
Lowering hay waste reduces the cost of feeding livestock. It also means that less hay needs to be transported, stored, fed out, and, if wasted, cleaned up.

Increased Lamb Survival
Disrupted ewes at lambing has meant that they may not be trail fed. Supplementing with Advantage Feeders supports the lambing ewe and leads to better weaning rates

Using Advantage Feeders to supplement lambing ewes reduces the disruption that trail feeding creates. Content ewes wean more lambs and increase your production

Creep Feeding
Rapid development of the rumen from the first few weeks of age allows young livestock to grow faster and convert pasture into growth from a younger age

Excess Protein
Supplementing grains to livestock grazing pastures high in protein manages the excess ammonia in the rumen and prevents energy wastage leading to lower production

High Moisture Pastures
Fully utilising pasture that is high in moisture that usually occurs in a feed gap leads to a higher carrying capacity and higher farm income.

Dry Feed Supplementation
Feeding little and often supports the productive and efficient operation of the rumen. This leads to less supplement being fed and livestock being more productive

Hay Waste
Lowering hay waste reduces the cost of feeding livestock. It also means that less hay needs to be transported, stored, fed out, and, if wasted, cleaned up

Creep Feeding
Rapid development of the rumen from the first few weeks of age allows young livestock to grow faster and convert pasture into growth from a younger age

Excess Protein
Supplementing grains to livestock grazing pastures high in protein manages the excess ammonia in the rumen and prevents energy wastage leading to lower production

High Moisture Pastures
Fully utilising pasture that is high in moisture that usually occurs in a feed gap leads to a higher carrying capacity and higher farm income

Dry Feed Supplementation
Feeding little and often supports the productive and efficient operation of the rumen. This leads to less supplement being fed and livestock being more productive